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How Do You Model After Guys That are Very Successful at Free Sex Meet Up Websites?

Free sex meet up websites can be brutal on your ego. You probably don’t need me to remind you of this fact. If you fill out a form, and you put in the time, chances are, if you’re like most guys, you will fail. Now, I don’t want you to be depressed by that statement. I don’t want to discourage you, but I also don’t want to get your hopes up.

You see, it’s a struggle. And a lot of guys automatically cringe at that word. When they hear the word "struggle," when they hear the word "hard," they start heading for the hills.

This really is too bad because I’ve developed a mindset where, when somebody tells me that something is impossible or it’s a struggle or it’s hard, my dick gets hard. Why? It’s a challenge to my manhood. It’s a challenge to my imagination and creativity. Just because this person says that it’s impossible and decides to bend over like a punk bitch and let reality turn him into its bitch, doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s my turn to get punked.

Those are fighting words. When somebody says, "oh, it’s impossible" or "you won’t make it," my dick gets hard, my resolve turns into solid steel, and I’m down for the fight.

Not surprisingly, when I put up a free sex meet up website, I look at the things that people say are impossible and I try to make them happen. I reverse engineer failed websites, I do lots of focus testing, and I put together the ingredients for a successful site.

I’m also a user just like this girl. So instead of just focusing on it as a business, I also look at it from the perspective of somebody using such a platform to get pussy. And believe me, from the perspective of a user, the best thing that you can do is to look at guys who are getting pussy all day, every day.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you have to stick out your hand and try to shake their hands and suck their dicks. I’m not talking about being a parasite. Instead, you don’t need to be a fan boy. You can just absorb their lessons from a distance.

They do things differently. Pay attention to this. Instead of wasting your time being jealous and envious of those guys, learn from them. Choose to be inspired.

Punk-ass bitches, they choose to be jealous and that’s why they continue to fail. If, on the other hand, you see them succeeding and you are inspired to also succeed, then things become possible for you. Don’t be a punk. Be a man instead.