If you’ve joined a platform that supposedly hooks you up with local fuck buddies, I’ve got some bad news for you. Seriously. I wish I did not have to be the guy that would tell you this truth, but you probably have seen it coming. You probably already know the reality behind such websites. Seriously.
If you have any kind of intellectual curiosity whatsoever, it should dawn on you that most of these platforms are statistical nightmares. Seriously. From a purely numbers driven perspective, there’s really nothing separating or distinguishing these websites from gay sites.
That’s how many guys there are from every female. It’s as if the females there just happened as an afterthought. It’s mostly guys. It’s wall to wall dick. That’s the statistical reality you’re up against. Now, if you’re gay, that’s heaven on earth. But if you’re a straight dude, that’s a serious problem.
It’s easy to see why these websites got this bad. After all, most if not all their advertising is geared towards guys. No surprises here. Why? Guys pay for membership or click on paying ads. Women don’t have to. When it comes to the online anonymous sex dating game, it is truly a woman’s game.
So at this juncture, you really have two choices available to you. You can play the numbers game and hope that somehow, some way, some things stick. It’s like throwing spaghetti at the wall. You keep trying over and over, day after day, week after week, month after month, and hopefully, things will work out. Or you can quit.
We all know how that works out. It actually doesn’t. It doesn’t work out at all. You fail if you do that. After all, failure is defined as quitting.
So what else is left? Very simple. What’s left is mastery. Understand that if you go to these websites, you have to master them. In other words, you have to pimp them.
A pimp is a person in a management position. That’s what it is. It’s basically looking at the playing field, looking at the pieces available, studying the dynamics, and then coming up with management principles that maximizes results while minimizing inputs.
I know that sounds like MBA talk or advance graduate school terminology for what would otherwise be guys in weird funny hats fucking all day, every day hot chicks. But that’s really what’s going on.
You have to look past the appearances. You have to look past the surface and you would see that it’s all about management. And it begins with adopting the right mindset. You have to think like a pimp.
How do they approach the game? They don’t think of it as a foregone conclusion. They don’t look at it as a one way street to failure. They don’t look at it as something that’s particularly hard either. Instead, they train themselves to look at a particular subset of females and identify certain situations in which they would have a fighting chance. That’s why these guys win day after day, week after week.
The good news here is that if you have eyes to see and ears to hear, you can achieve the same results. It doesn’t get any simpler than that. Monkey see monkey do. You just have to give your personal monkey enough time. That’s all there is to it. Go get ’em, tiger. Finding local fuck buddies on https://fuckfriend.org/ is easier than you think.